Hey lovely readers, I know I know its been too long
*hides face in shame”, its just that I've been going through
somethings and some other projects have been taking allot of my time.
So this post isn’t
really related to fashion nor beauty, its just a post to say hi to all my
lovely readers that have been emailing me, tweeting me and commenting on my
instagram that they want new post, I know that I've been neglecting this space
for a long time now, so I'm here just to chat with you guys, I've missed you so
Well where should I start.. hmmmm lets see, oh one
of the projects that’s been taking a huge slot of my
schedule is the designing of my new floor, its been a whirlwind getting it all
designed and trying to finish it as soon as possible, I promise you guys as
soon as I'm done with it some pics are in order.
Its been suggested that I start my own YouTube
channel, what do you guys think?? Should i?
I kinnda like the idea as it will feel like I'm
really connecting to you guys <3... id post like outfit of the days, maybe
some month favs, some styling tips you know bits and bobs like that.
Id love to give a shout out to some of my followers
that recognized me one afternoon in City Center “mona,amina,noora
and Reem” they are sooooo adorable and
lovely, it was sooo nice getting to meet you girls and I'm so glad you came up
and said hi, I swear guys my readers and followers are Da bomb!!!
So guys since its halfway into Ramadan I want you
to tell me what kind of posts you wanna see?? Like styling tips for eid, ways
to stay fit and healthy during the month of the ginormous feasts!!
I want YOU guys to tell me what do you wanna see on
“ It’s
So Shoosh”
Instagram: @shougii09
Love you guys so much
Eid tips :D. what to buy and where to buy and such posts xx